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Outdoor Sound Curtains for Farms and Animals

Outdoor Sound Curtains for Farms and Animals

Nothing beats the pleasure of eating organic produce grown on your own farm, garden, or backyard and arriving straight in your kitchen. But managing agricultural activities and livestock daily isn’t as easy as it seems. Homesteaders and animal raisers often have to face noise challenges because of various reasons.

If you are one of those passionate homesteaders who love self-sufficiency but also want to maintain peace in your environment, outdoor sound curtains can help you.

Outdoor Sound Curtains Benefits For Farms


Outdoor Sound Curtains: What They Are

Outdoor soundproofing curtains are weather-resistant and durable curtains that block excessive sound in outdoor spaces. They are specifically manufactured with heavy-duty noise transmission materials that absorb high-frequency sound. Depending on the outdoor application, you can choose temporary or permanent outdoor sound curtains. These curtains can also be attached to concrete walls or fences.

Why Outdoor Sound Curtains Work for Homesteaders and Animal Raisers

Outdoor soundproofing is an effective option for reducing unwanted noise within and even outside the agricultural and homesteading premises. The following benefits of outdoor sound curtains are worth discussing:

Noise reduction from heavy machinery

Machinery On Farm

Tractors, harvesters, and other machinery produce excessive noise when they are operational. Besides, trucks and similar agricultural vehicles contribute to constant noise even further. For homesteaders, adequate noise can disrupt their lifestyle while directly affecting their well-being. Installing outdoor sound curtains can help them get rid of this noise. Thus, they can easily enjoy homesteading without the need to tolerate the distractive sound produced by loud machinery.

Whether it’s about managing animals, looking after crops, or preparing the soil, homesteaders need higher concentration. However, high levels of noise can negatively affect their focus. It can also hinder their overall productivity. Soundproofing the premises can help lower unneeded sound and improve your focus.

Quality and growth of plants and trees

From fruits and vegetables to herbs and medicinal plants, organic gardening enthusiasts have a lot to grow on their homesteads. But did you know that noise pollution can have a prolonged impact on the growth of plants? Research reveals that seedlings tend to grow less in noisy sites as compared to those being grown in quieter sites.

If you are one of those serious enthusiasts who also want to focus on environmental sustainability, you can protect your garden from noise pollution. Implementing measures to absorb unnecessary sound waves will also help the plants grow within an expected period. If you are unable to allocate an entirely separate, noise-free gardening section for plants and trees due to limited space, placing outdoor sound curtains can help block the sound coming from the machinery.

Enhanced Animal welfare

Cattloe On Farm Eating

Animals are highly sensitive to extreme sounds. Loud noise from farming equipment and heavy machinery can be stressful for them. It can hurt their overall health. It also leads to lower production of milk from dairy animals. Therefore, placing outdoor sound curtains around barns and milking stations is a wise idea to help animals calm down. It can also increase their productivity by improving the overall health of the livestock. This can further lead to an increase in milk production.

Poultry animals are no different. Noise disturbances can lead them to show restlessness and even aggression. This erratic behavior makes it challenging for animal raisers to handle them. It can potentially be dangerous. Consequently, they tend to lay fewer eggs. Installing sound curtains around poultry housing reduces noise. As a result, a peaceful environment contributes to the growth of healthier flocks. This also improves egg production.

Good relationship with neighbors

Noise generated from chainsaws, pumps, and grain blowers can affect nearby communities. It can potentially lead to complaints or conflicts. Constant chicken noise can also be disturbing for the neighbors. Those who prefer peaceful mornings might easily get irritated by the noise pollution. That’s especially applicable if you have recently started urban homesteading.

You don’t have to make changes to the structural walls of the homestead. Instead of considering this expensive option, it’s better to invest in outdoor sound curtains. These curtains will help limit the machinery noise and chicken sounds from entering the neighbors’ houses. Placing these curtains near the walls adjacent to the neighbors’ premises can block excessive sound. Implementing this soundproofing technique will also help you avoid any complaints. This will result in positive community relations.

Higher levels of Eco-friendliness

Agroforestry is an effective way to reduce noise pollution in rural homesteading regions. Trees with rough bark and dense foliage absorb sound waves in a better way. But the trick is to surround a large quantity of trees (in clusters) around the homesteading premises. However, sometimes it’s not practical to surround a large homestead or agricultural land with heavy clusters of trees. That’s when the use of outdoor sound curtains is the most feasible.

Installing outdoor sound curtains will ensure maximum protection from excessive noise – thus, sustaining the environment in the long run. Since these are removable curtains, you can easily move the curtains from one section and relocate them nearby a noisier section. This will ensure that the high-frequency sound doesn’t harm the wildlife.

Improvement in workers’ health and safety

Large-scale farming activities frequently require the use of excavators, seed drills, rotary tillers, rakes, and various other heavy machinery. Though farmers are regularly exposed to the noise generated by such machinery, too much of it can affect their hearing ability. Constant noise can even make them experience workplace burnout.

Outdoor sound curtains can help reduce noise exposure by providing a peaceful environment for the workers. It minimizes their fatigue and stress while increasing productivity. It also helps them communicate with coworkers without the need to shout.

Since outdoor sound curtains are made of robust materials, they can withstand harsh weather while protecting workers from dust, debris, and wind. That way, workers are less prone to having respiratory problems.

The Takeaway

Outdoor sound curtains are a customizable option to implement noise control in spaces where you plan to homestead, raise animals, or carry out agricultural operations. What makes these soundproofing curtains a worthwhile option is the fact that you can choose superior sound absorption by adding mass-loaded vinyl to them.

It’s also possible to customize the materials used in outdoor sound curtains. That way, you can easily achieve extra protection from unwanted noise. That said, you can go for the thickness of 4-inches in fiberglass selection to block high-frequency noise.

Now that you know how essential it is to soundproof your homestead or agricultural premises, it’s time to give the maximum advantage to the animals, the plants, the workers, and even the surrounding environment! Choosing the right outdoor sound curtains will do the trick.



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